Curriculum This course is for the current top rope or lead climber, mountaineer, canyoneer, or outdoor enthusiast that is wanting to expand current knowledge on ascending ropes, friction knots, and proper rappel and belay techniques. The curriculum is not limited to, but the class will focus on:
Ascending Rope
Escaping Belay/Belay Takeover
Assisted descent with injured partner
Qualifications Due to the nature of this class you need a certain knowledge base prior to this type of clinic.
Must be comfortable belaying
Helpful skills to know ahead of time, but will be covered during class
Ability to tie friction hitches including Prusik, Autoblock and klemheist
Ability to tie munter mule hitch
Gear You will need your own gear in order to participate in the class. Plan to be outside the majority of the day unless there is heavy rain. In that case, we have a covered area.
Helmet-you can rent one from Peabody if needed
x2 5-7mm 60" cordellette (to be used for prussiks)
x1 48in nylon runner
x3 locking carabiners
ATC BD guide or Petzl Reverso
Petzl Tibloc or Ascenders (Optional- Do not go buy for this class)
Gri-Gri or similar assisted belay device (Optional- Do not go buy for this class)